Machinery Alignment, Vibration & Balancing Training

The ADVANCED Team is passionate about transferring our knowledge base to others. Whether at your plant or at one of our facilities, that passion is prevalent in our training classes. We provide manufacturer specific or generic, precision alignment, balancing, and vibration analysis training. The ADVANCED Team, Inc. is uniquely qualified to train your personnel. ADVANCED Training classes are conducted by service personnel, not by someone trying to sell you more equipment. We know how the alignment equipment truly works…not just how to give an expanded demonstration. Our experience covers virtually all of the alignment products available today. Dial Indicators, Single Laser Measurement Systems, Reflected Beam Measurement Systems and Dual Laser Measurement Systems. We believe that proper use of an alignment tool requires a lot more thanknowing what button to push. Our courses are filled with hands-on training and offer solutions to real world problems. Of course, the word “Alignment” covers a lot of ground. The ADVANCED Team is proud to offer beginner and advanced courses in:

  • Basic Machinery Alignment and Correction
  • Shaft Alignment
  • Geometric Measurement
  • Extruder Barrel Alignment
  • Roll Parallel, (tram)
  • Straightness
  • Bearing Centering

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